Santiago Gimenez Ocano
Senior Security Engineer
Originally from Argentina. I like to do things with computers. Senior Security Engineer. SAINTCON HC black badge.

About Me

I have over 10 years of experience in information security and I am a Senior Security Engineer. My work focusses on Web Application Security, Authentication, Penetration Testing, Network Security, and Applied Cryptography.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Telecommunication Engineering, and a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science. Also, I have the following certifications: CISSP, OSCP, CEH, and Security+.

I hold a SAINTCON Hackers Challenge black badge.

About This Site

Santiago’s Desk is just a site where I share some how to’s, random thoughts, and things I believe can be helpful. Most of the content should be about computers and their security.

Latest Blog Posts

Introduction This how-to shows the steps and tools that I used to setup this website. To do that I used Hugo to generate static content that is hosted in GitHub Pages. The template I used is called Eureka and I used Namecheap as the DNS Registrar. I relied in a group of tutorials that can be found online. You will find a list of them at the bottom of this page. Installing Hugo Depending on the package manager that you use, these are the commands you need:
3 min read
I thought I could start my first post with just a hello world so here it goes: print("hello world")
1 min read